Genre: Drama
Action: Walking uphill
Word: Rare
The apple tree was up there, a friendly old thing. It would turn ninety-nine this month, a rare age for any fruit tree.
The branches were falling now. A limb in place of this walking stick, I walk up the hill leaning on one like an old friend.
Come with me, old friend.
My skin, your bark. We run dry, wrinkles like lines in the sand gone awry.
I close my eyes. In youth, I’d see only darkness. With leaves fallen, I now see only the light.
Come with me, you friendly old thing. Come with me into the light.
Thanks for reading. This competition entry was written with a lot of emotion in mind and had to meet the following criteria:
100 words or less
Written within the drama genre
Include the action of walking uphill and the word 'rare'
What would you write about? Comment below.